Have just completed a tri-state Sustainable Indigenous Employment Workshop tour with Origin's People and Culture teams in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.
Origin's Indigenous Engagement Team are using the workshops to ensure input, involvement and ownership of Indigenous strategies by key stakeholders across their People and Culture business units. Importantly, this approach to inform future strategies and initiatives has not been limited to their People and Culture teams. Origin has also taken the same approach with Indigenous Procurement, recently facilitating Indigenous Procurement workshops across their procurement business units.
The workshops are designed to put an internal lens on practice and opportunities, whilst informing participants of external best practice models, to then brainstorm, generate ideas and to gravitate into action!
It is envisaged that by giving key groups across the organisation input and involvement into the strategies that directly impact on them internally, will ensure genuine buy in and commitment, therefore sustainability of Indigenous initiatives across the organisation.
One of the the unexpected value added outcomes for me has been the access to staff who have had a diverse range of experience and skills from their previous employment. They have provided invaluable input to a process, that they may not have been invited to participate in, previously.
These workshops form only one element of Origin's Cultural Capability Framework developed by Origin's Indigenous Engagement Team, which includes policy development, cultural immersion, business development and e Learning programs.
Corporate Culcha has been very proud of our involvement with supporting Origin to develop and implement their Cultural Capability Framework. It has been very exciting to be a partner in their journey.
I sincerely think they are impressive and progressive, given they are still only into their first RAP. To me they are Gladiators and not just Spectators!
Well done Matty Ralph, Mel Grills and those at Origin supporting this approach. Looking forward to the strategies and outcomes from the workshops into to the near future and beyond!